
You may or may not have a 'self care plan', but you do your best to get a good night’s sleep, eat healthily, do your job, see your family and friends, and do all the things you know will help … but you’re still exhausted and deep in brain fog.

Maybe you just can’t stop thinking about that patient, the last child you nursed, or that incident you attended to?

Maybe you do all the right things, but you’re constrained by the policies you work under, the organisation you work for, the workload - all the things out of your control?

I’ll bet you’re good at your job, but somehow you’ve become detached and feel like you’re on autopilot.

You want your mojo back and to feel like you again.

Let's talk to see how I can support you - if there's a specific program or service that you are interested in, please state which it is so I can be of most help!

Chat soon,


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Join me for a virtual cuppa

When you're looking for change or not feeling great, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start.

Join me for a complimentary 15 minute virtual cuppa and we can discuss what you might need.

What to expect

We'll consider:

  • Why you feel you need help at this time.
  • How support at Tempo can make a difference.
  • Whether you're after therapeutic support and counselling or clinical supervision.
  • The differences between small group programs and individual support.
  • Whether or not any upcoming group programs might be a good fit for you.
  • Other questions you might have about working with me.

We can see which service may be best for you - whether it's here at Tempo or elsewhere.

Join me for a complimentary 15 minute virtual cuppa!

Book your complimentary 15 minute virtual cuppa here:

Therapy focused on the needs of educators, emergency service workers and healthcare professionals.